Blackwood Games took up the development of the shooter Warface and published a “road map” with plans for the development of the game.
The developers have announced a new fighter -a humanoid robot named SED, which uses a machine gun and a hand grenade launcher with flash-bang charges. The fighter stands out for his strong armor, as well as his ability to jump over high obstacles. The character's disadvantages include a low level of health and speed.
Warface players will receive the character for free, and before the final release the fighter can be tested on test servers.
The developers will also improve the technical partgames. Blackwood Games has created a separate team that is developing a system for registering hits and synchronizing player movements from scratch. Until the end of 2019, the game will also include a temporary map “Mars”, on which fighters will be able to shoot with blasters.
Warface will also add a polygon with additionaltraining, as well as an add-on that will reflect damage to body parts. There will also be a cooperative PvE “Arena” mode, where players will fight off waves of enemies. The developers also promise a new battle pass and themed events for Halloween and New Year.
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