What games are slowed down by uTorrent installed on the system

Ubisoft is a French company specializing in the development and publishing of computer games, and it has recently

has released a list of applications that may conflict with its games. In addition to uTorrent, there are others, no less popular. Discuss

If you suddenly have problems in shooters andUbisoft sandboxes, it could all be due to the fact that you use Discord, or Skype, or uTorrent. The company published an article in which it talked about applications that run in the background and can slow down games running on computers at the moment.

Among them: torrent clients BitTorrent, uTorrent, applications for communication Skype, Discord and TeamSpeak, VPN service Hamachi and many others. A complete list of applications can be found at the link in the source.

Source: Ubisoft