What habits are best to give up after a workout: nutritionists explain

After physical activity, you definitely need to eat something. But it is important to know what drinks and foods

It's worth trying, and which ones – no. Discuss

Registered Nutritionist, Personal Trainerand Nutrition Rewired CEO Erin Kenny emphasizes that after a run or other physical activity, it's important to remember to eat. It will reduce inflammation, recover faster, replenish muscle fuel, and build or maintain muscle mass.

Here are some food habits that are considered harmful.

  1. Eat a salad immediately after exercising. It takes a lot of energy to digest salads,because they contain a lot of fiber. Instead, opt for foods high in protein and carbs, such as smoothies with protein powder and a banana.
  1. Consume a sports drink after a workout. Kenny notes that such a drink is not at allneeded if you have been exercising less than 60-90 minutes. Snacks and water will be sufficient. In addition, most often these drinks contain a lot of refined sugar.

  1. Forget about hydration. The thing is that during trainingThe body loses fluid, so you need to drink water during and after exercise. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, stomach problems, and muscle cramps. Nutrition expert Stephanie Hnatiuk recommends drinking at least two cups (16 ounces) after a workout.
  1. Refuse carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are considered a key source of fuel for the body. And in combination with protein, they will allow you to recover better, build muscle and prepare for your next sports activities.
  1. Not eating at all. Food helps you normalize your blood sugar levels and reduce stress hormones in your body.

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