What habits increase the risk of skin cancer

Some habits increase your risk of developing skin cancer. The publication Eat this, not that listed them. Discuss

  1. Spend time in the sun without sunscreen.

This is perhaps the most important thing to give up. UV radiation is the main cause of skin cancer.

  1. Use tanning beds or solar lamps.

Just one tanning session can increase your risk of developing melanoma by 20%.

  1. Not wearing enough clothing to protect your skin from the sun's rays.

Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs, and a wide-brimmed hat to shade your face, neck, and ears.

  1. Be careless about using sunscreen.

It is recommended to use sunscreenbroad spectrum with SPF 30 or higher. Apply a generous amount of sunscreen every two hours, and even more often if you're sweating or swimming.

  1. Be in the sun during peak hours from 10:00 to 16:00.

  2. Get burned.

  3. Do not have your skin examined by a doctor regularly.

  4. Smoking.

  5. Be exposed to certain chemicals.

Certain chemicals, such as arsenic and coal tar, may increase the risk of skin cancer.

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