What's New in Rutube in the Coming Months

The head of the Russian video hosting Rutube, Alexander Moiseev, told how the service will change in the coming


Moiseev noted that video hosting is waitingmonthly updates, at the moment all mobile applications are updated. Technically, Rutube is in no way inferior to YouTube. The only difference is in financial capacity.

YouTube has 2 billion subscribers, Rutube has 20 million,this affects, among other things, the possibility of earning money on the Web. To make money on Rutube, you need to get 5 thousand views, after that content monetization begins.

Nevertheless, Rutube has some successes: despite the difficulties, it was possible to increase the volume of traffic to 50 million unique users every month.

“We will now be once a month"roll out" RuTube functionality updates. Recently, for example, all mobile applications were updated. By the end of the year we should have a completely different deployed platform,” noted Alexander Moiseev.