Which MacBook Pro to buy in 2018?

Last month, Apple presented the MacBook Pro 2018 line with 8th generation Intel Core processors, more

RAM and built-in memory and other improvements. At first, laptops had a problem with overheating, but Apple solved it with a system update.

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All the problems are behind, and now the MacBook Pro 2018 line is a very attractive offer for advanced users.

Apple offers up to 32 GB of RAM, up to4TB of internal memory and 6-core i9 processor. All this makes the MacBook Pro line ideal for working with powerful programs. However, not everyone needs such power. The 15-inch MacBook Pro 2018 is unlikely to suit the average user.

If you don’t know which MacBook Pro to choose, 13 or 15-inch, read the article below and we will help you make the choice.



Also read: MacBook Pro 2018 vs MacBook Pro 2017: what has changed?

Who is the 13-inch suitable for?Macbook Pro with touchbar

The 13-inch MacBook Pro now runs on4-core processor, not a 2-core one, like previous generations. This transition means that the 13-inch MacBook Pro will run 100% faster for most tasks.

Unlike the 15-inch MacBook Pro,The 13-inch MacBook Pro contains up to 16GB of RAM and 1TB of regular memory. In addition, he has an Intel Iris graphics processor that cannot be exchanged for an AMD GPU. This automatically excludes its purchase by users who often edit photos and videos.



For students and users who do notengaged in professional photo and video shooting, the 13-inch model is perfect. The small size means that it will be easier to take a laptop with you than the 15-inch version.

Professionals should buy the option with 16GBRAM and, if possible, a more powerful processor. Students will have enough 8GB of RAM, however, if you plan to use laptops for at least 4-5 years, you should take the option with 16GB of RAM.

Who is the 15-inch suitable for?Macbook Prowith touchbar

Even the basic version of the 15-inch MacBook ProNow runs on the 6-core Core i7 processor. Two additional cores will provide 50-7-% more speed than previous lines. In addition, this model contains an AMD GPU and up to 32GB of RAM, so the laptop will be ideal for those who are professionally engaged in photo and video editing.

Most Professional Users EnoughCore i7 core processor. However, if you work in the film industry, then it is better to take the option with a Core i9 processor and AMD GPU. Such users are also advised to choose 32GB of RAM.

15-inch MacBook Pro with 4TB of memory is expensiveand not everyone needs it. If you need a lot of memory, you can buy removable media. It can and will work more slowly, but it will save you an impressive amount.

Why you shouldn't buyMacbook Prowithout touchbar

Despite how enthusiastic Apple ispresented the first MacBook Pro with a touchbar, the technology has not earned much popularity. However, Apple did not begin to update last year's 13-inch model without a touchbar, which means that it still works on the old 7-generation Kaby Lake processor. Accordingly, you should not buy this option. If you have a limited budget, it is best to wait until Apple presents the new budget MacBook with a Kaby Lake processor in September.

This laptop will have a Retina display, and it will essentially be an updated MacBook Air, which still remains one of the most popular models among students.