Which vitamin reduces the symptoms of depression

An international team of researchers conducted an extensive meta-analysis of studies examining the effects of vitamin D on

people with depression. It does seem to help relieve symptoms. Discuss

Previous work on this issue has shown a connectionbetween depression and vitamin D deficiency, however, these studies were not considered to be sufficiently conclusive. The University of Eastern Finland reported the largest study on the topic, with a new meta-analysis combining data from 41 studies on the topic. The analysis involved Finnish, Australian and American researchers, the article was published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

Researchers have studied the effectiveness of vitamin D in relieving symptoms of depression in adults. This has been tested in placebo-controlled studies with different groups of people.

The results showed that vitamin D supplements were moreeffectively alleviate symptoms of depression compared with placebo. Experts gave the subjects different amounts of the vitamin, on average, people received 50-100 micrograms per day.

At the same time, the lead author of the study, doctoral studentTuomas Mykola noted that the reliability of these data may still be questionable due to the heterogeneity of the study groups, as well as due to the possible bias associated with a large number of studies. The specialist believes that these results will be an incentive for new high-level clinical trials.

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