Who is unhealthy about drinking coffee?

Nutritionist Natalya Nefedova commented on the publication of the Israeli publication Walla with a survey

specialists regarding coffee, its “cancellation” in case of health problems. Discuss

According to Nefedova, coffee is really better notdrink to people who tend to abuse the drink or are sensitive to its natural composition. If a person has a tendency to diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, then it is better not to drink coffee - there will be a constant bowel disorder. But in general, coffee is a healthy drink.

The doctor also denied the opinion that coffee containscarcinogens. There was a study of coffee, and at first they thought that it had a lot of carcinogens, until they ruled out the factor of smoking in the participants. As a result, it turned out that coffee not only has no carcinogens in its composition, but, on the contrary, contributes to the prevention of many diseases, including oncology. But instant coffee, indeed, may contain substances that provoke cancer - they are formed during the processing of the product.

She also emphasized that coffee contains not only caffeine, but 1000 more substances, and what is most useful is still not known exactly.

“It used to be thought to be carcinogenic, but thenit turned out that all the evidence for this property was associated with smoking of the studied volunteers. As soon as the smoking factor was excluded, it turned out that coffee does not contain carcinogens, but vice versa. Studies show that coffee helps prevent cancer, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and the formation of gallstones. Coffee has a good effect on reducing the risk of mortality in general, ”explained the specialist.

Nefedova explained that the rate of coffee consumptionindividual. Usually, by the age of 25-30, a person already knows how his body reacts to coffee. You can get used to caffeine, tolerate more. But the general recommendation is no more than 400 mg. One cup averages 95-100 mg. That is, 3-4 cups is the maximum.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.