Why appendicitis is easily confused with other diseases

It turned out that appendicitis is able to disguise itself as other diseases, as the head of the center said.

New Surgical Technologies of the Federal State Medical and Biophysical Center named after Burnazyan, Ph.D.Ilya Kolyshev in an interview with Ura.news.The symptoms of the disease can be confused with gastritis, acute stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, as well as infectious diseases.

Appendicitis in the old days was called a monkeyof all diseases, because it is similar to a huge number of sores and, first of all, to infectious diseases. Also, for a long time, banal appendicitis was often confused with salmonellosis, yersiniosis, even with some form of plague. At the moment can be confused with the same infectious diseases that I called

Ilya KolyshevHead of the Center for New Surgical Technologies of the Federal State Medical Biophysical Center named after I.I. Burnazyan

According to the doctor, most rarely appendicitis is capable ofcause dysuric phenomena (when a person often wants to go to the toilet). But at the same time, even taking into account all this “disguise”, ambulance doctors have enough experience to determine this ailment in a patient, Kolyshev says.

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