Why eating when you're in a bad mood is bad for your health

Therapist, nutritionist, nutritionist Elvira Gilemzyanova explained why eating during stress or

a bad mood leads to the deposition of belly fat. Discuss

According to her, the quality of digestion depends on the emotional state of a person. Bad mood or stress directly affects appetite and enzyme production.

Bad mood also affects howman chews. A surge of emotions does not allow you to chew food the required number of times, and ideally it should be at least 32 jaw movements for each bite. Due to insufficient chewing, food is not properly broken down by the enzymes contained in saliva.

“In moments of frustration, resentment, anger, anger,rage produces stress hormones that spasm the muscles and organs of the digestive tract. Food does not break down, but will rot, causing fermentation processes in the intestines, deposited in the form of fat, ”the doctor emphasized.

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