Why is alcohol dangerous for older people?

Several nutritional experts have revealed the negative side effects of consuming

alcohol after 50 years. Discuss

  1. Alcohol helps to gain weight.

As the specialist explained, with age ourmetabolism slows down. This means we don't need as many calories to maintain our weight. Because alcohol contains many calories, drinking it can lead to weight gain.

  1. Alcohol can raise triglyceride levels.

And this can affect heart health.

  1. Alcohol can slow down muscle recovery after a workout.

Alcohol can slow down the process of repairing damaged muscles by suppressing the function of hormones that normally help this process, such as testosterone.

  1. You may become dehydrated.

Again, diuretics, which include alcohol, can increase water loss, and dehydration interferes with muscle recovery in adults.

  1. Alcohol can affect your gut health.

Alcohol promotes inflammatory processes in the intestines, which leads to excessive growth of pathogenic bacteria and increased intestinal permeability.

  1. Alcohol can impair digestion and nutrient absorption.

  2. Alcohol can disrupt the metabolism of energy and substances in the body.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.