Wolves infected with toxoplasmosis are 46 times more likely to become pack leaders

Researchers from Yellowstone National Park in the United States analyzed the impact of wolf infestation

toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) on the demographic characteristics of the pack and the behavior of wolves.26 years of data show that infection increases tenfoldthe likelihood that an infected animal will become a leader.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease inhumans and animals caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Infected animals face damage to the nervous, lymphatic and other body systems. Previous research has shown that most cases in wolves are almost asymptomatic, but there is some evidence that they may lead to an increase in erratic or aggressive behavior.

To better understand the impact of the disease,The researchers studied blood samples taken between 1995 and 2010 from more than 200 wolves living in Yellowstone National Park. The scientists also analyzed the recordings made by the observers to learn more about any behavioral changes that might have been evident in the wolves.

Camera Sightings of Wolves in Yellowstone National Park

The researchers found that younginfected wolves tend to leave their packs earlier than uninfected ones. Infected males were 50% more likely to leave their flock within six months of birth. Usually (without infection) they stay with their parents until they are 21 months old. Similar behavior, albeit less pronounced, was observed in females: infected wolves were 25% more likely to abandon their pack at 30 months, rather than at the usual 48.

Biologists have also shown that infected malesmore than 46 times more likely to become pack leaders. The authors of the work suggest that the differences in behavior are associated with the effect of the parasite on the brain of wolves. Toxoplasmosis makes them more courageous and less likely to back down when challenged by others.

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