World of Tanks is “bull”: Wargaming has launched the “Moon Hunt” for the premium tank 122 TM

Wargaming decided to celebrate the Eastern New Year and launched the “Moon Hunt”, in which players will

hunt a powerful tank.

What is known

Players' goal in Moonhunt is medium.Tier VIII premium tank 122 TM. Wargaming nicknamed the car “bull” for its power and armor. The armor penetration of a basic sub-caliber projectile for the 122 TM is 233 mm. Average damage is 400 units.

At the same time, the tank is designed for long-range and leisurelyshootouts. For two reasons. Firstly, in terms of speed it is closer to heavy tanks, and its reload time is 17.5 seconds. Secondly, the accuracy rate of 122 TM is 0.33, so at a long distance the “bull” commander will have an advantage.

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To get 122 TM, you will have to goto “Moon Hunt”, which consists of two chapters, but you can open the car already in the first one. Once the hunt begins, ten stages will open to players with tasks for diligence or skill. After completing each test, the “tanker” receives a 10% discount on the purchase of 122 TMs in the store. If you complete all the tasks, then you can get the tank for free. In addition, along with the vehicle, they also give away the 2D “Moon Ox” style (can be applied to any tank).

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Having acquired the 122 TM tank, the player will gain accessfor the second main task, within the framework of which you can create a 3D style for the “bull”. In addition, you will be able to receive personal reserves and universal training aids.

Will be tested from February 12th to February 22nd. Players are given ten days to complete ten stages.

World of Tanks Blitz will also not stand aside.From February 10 to February 19, the game will host the “Lunar Origin” event, which consists of 9 stages. For daily victories, tankers will receive boosters for gold, days of a premium account, certificates for camouflage, credits, as well as Lunar New Year collectibles. In addition, players will be able to get a camouflage that has never been seen before in World of Tanks Blitz - “Unpredictable”.

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