You are harming nature if you eat too much protein.

Protein consumption in the United States, both plant and animal, is among the highest in the world. According to

new research, if Americansconsumed protein in recommended amounts, projected nitrogen excretion rates in 2055 would be 27% less than today, despite population growth. Discuss

“It turns out that many of us do not need so muchprotein, how much we eat, and this has implications for our health and aquatic ecosystems,” said the lead author of the study. Scientists say that if people could reduce this amount to a healthy level, the environment could be better protected.

Of course, the human body needsprotein. But when the body gets more protein than it needs, the excess amino acids are broken down into nitrogen, which is excreted primarily in the urine and released into nature through the sewage system. This leads to toxic algae blooms, oxygen deficient "dead zones" and contaminated drinking water.

Scientists have linked the increase in protein intake with population growth, as well as with its aging: the elderly need more protein to combat muscle loss.