You now have to pay to use a range of colors in Photoshop

Commonly used Adobe applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign will no longer be supported for free

colors owned by Pantone and those wishing to have these colors in their files will need to pay for a separate license.


Removing Pantone colors from softwareAdobe's provision was supposed to happen on March 31 this year. Then 16 August, then 31 August. However, just this month, people have noticed the effect, reporting issues with creations that use Pantone colors.

However, Pantone still states:"This update will have minimal impact on the designer's workflow. Existing Creative Cloud files and documents that reference Pantone Color will retain the color identity and information."

However, Photoshop displays this warning: "This file contains Pantone colors that have been removed and replaced with black due to changes in Pantone licensing with Adobe."